Truth for Today Medical Missions “Caring hands reaching hardened hearts”
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Welcome to the TFTMM Donation Page All donations are processed using the PayPal secure server. Medical Missions Field Service Opportunities  for 2025: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,  “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”  Then said I, “Here am I; send me.”    Isaiah 6:8 Other Ways to Help: TFTBMI is registered as a non-profit organization in the United States of America. A ministry of Truth for Today Baptist Missions, Inc.,  P.O. Box 91207   Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37412 USA

Mission share costs may be paid online or send your check or money order to Truth For Today Baptist Missions, P.O Box 91207, Chattanooga, TN. 37412. Please indicate the specific trip share designation in the memo.

 *Notice: There is an automatic convenience fee for each online transaction. Mission share costs shown are for one person.  

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