Home Mission Statement Missions and Dates Volunteers How to Apply What to Expect  Ways to Help Past Missions Donate Here Contact Us
Truth for Today Medical Missions “Caring hands reaching hardened hearts” TFTBMI is registered as a non-profit organization in the United States of America. A ministry of Truth for Today Baptist Missions, Inc.,  P.O. Box 91207   Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37412 USA

Now that you’ve decided to go on a mission, what do you do next?

1. Once you have  picked a mission from our missions and dates section, fill out an application and indemnification form. Medical personnel, be sure to include copies of all current licenses and certificates. We also have an online application form.  If you use it, after you click the submit button you will be redirected to the donate page so you can give your share of the mission online, if you so desire.

2. If you do not have a passport, apply now since it may be a time consuming process.  As soon as possible, scan or mail a colored copy of your passport face page to us.

3. Then, read the What to Expect page and the Packing Suggestions page.  

4. A deposit of $250 (applies to total mission cost) should accompany your application for each trip.   One hundred percent of the costs must be received by the airline ticket purchase date, which is usually 4-6 weeks prior to the mission. No refunds can be made after airfare is purchased.    

Your mission share can be submitted by check or money order to:

Truth For Today Baptist Missions

PO Box 91207

Chattanooga, TN 37412

Payments may also be made securely online using our “donate here” page on this site. To submit mission share costs online, please use the specific PayPal buttons on our “donate here” page. However, to avoid online convenience fees, send a check or money order to the address above. Please indicate which mission and the listed mission date on your check.

5. Like Truth For Today Medical Missions on face book and follow us there.

6. Once registered we will send you updates by e-mail.

7. Begin to pray now for the success of the mission and ask your church and others you know to pray as well.


Application Process